Sunday, September 28, 2008

Unicorn Mountain Awaits You

Well hello my loyal readers. This post is dedicated to Lydia, who represents half of my readership, and has requested a post on Unicorn Mountain, though I must admit it was prompted by Jacob, the other half of my readership, "giving me shit" to post since I have so much free time from not helping Fever move today. So here we go.
I don't know if anybody else in Fever would admit that this is how the Fever empire began, but my memory goes like this. We are standing around in a dressing room--I am curling my hair, Aurora is applying make-up, Patrick is probably in his underwear, and Jacob is donning eyeliner.
I say something like "we should all move to Portland after we graduate and start a theater company". There is general goodwill, like "yeah, that sounds great!" I want to believe it, but I have an overflowing bucket of "things we said we were going to do that would have changed the world, just a little bit, but we never did them" stored in my memory, and I don't get my hopes up. Yet, somehow, whether by fate or persistence, the four of us ended up in Portland a year later rehearsing "The Fever" in the living room of a tiny two-bedroom apartment that is shared by four people.
So I know what can happen if I stick to my guns, and if the idea is good enough to change the lives of everybody involved. I think Unicorn Mountain might be just such an idea.
There's also a chance that it is just my self-absorbed view of the universe. So okay...what kind of artistic mecca can be built if I draw the right people into my world next year? I have been working on a few of them; Amber, who was practically born to be in this MFA program, Andy Start, who is like a young Wendell Beavers and also belongs in my MFA, Lydia will come to pursue her dreams of equestrian therapy, and maybe even Joel will come and teach these Boulderites a thing or two about bicycle safety. And we will all live together on Unicorn Mountain, the place where dreams come true. Perhaps this will be an actual mountain, of which there are many in Boulder, or perhaps more of a metaphorical mountain, like a symbol to put on the welcome mat. This is all about bringing together the right elements--each of us might seem like an unassuming force on our own, but together we will make waves. Is this how cults begin? One person becomes obsessed with convincing others to join them on some quest, and before you know it we will all be wearing unicorn horns on our heads and hiding out from the government. That's actually not too far from the potential future here at Unicorn Mountain. The government hates it when forces come together that are stronger than them, and the potency of our self-realization will drive them crazy.
So, do you have what it takes to live on Unicorn Mountain?

1 comment:

stranger in a strange van said...

oh kateness! i have what it takes, i just know it. i'm listening to this american life right now. it's inspiring of course. i'm excited to be going to the islands, but i know i'm going to need school again. i'm looking into it.... thanks for investigating how i can make my dreams come true!