Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The awkward first entry

I am preparing to move from my lovely life in Portland to attend graduate school in Boulder, CO.  I will be getting an MFA in Contemporary Performance from Naropa.  I suppose a blog is a good way for people to see what I'm up to, and a good way for me to talk about my adventure in a town where I will be flying solo.  I am trying to get used to that idea, after so many years of being very close with the members of Fever Theater, living with friends and roommates, and being in a long-term relationship with my BF.  I used to keep myself company with comics that I drew called "The adventures of miserable Kate".  I am not so miserable anymore, so now I will just call this "The Adventures of Fever Kate".  Soon my entries will include beautiful pictures and fascinating depictions of life in a quiet mountain town...but for now, this is what you get.