Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barack the Vote

I hope you enjoy my title, stolen from a t-shirt that is popular with the college kids here. Kids these days! I hope you also enjoy the subtle hypocrisy that just a few nights ago I was bemoaning that Obama was our only choice and now I am going to tell you, in no uncertain terms, that I would like you to vote for him (that's right, I'm speaking to you undecided Ohio voter friends--I know you're reading this!). Tonight's debate was nothing new, but there is a consistency to Obama's ability to see the inter-connectedness of issues and talk about the long-term, versus old man McSnore, who is trying his best to hear what that young whipper snapper is even saying, and comes back with a broken record response of epic proportions. I can't even handle how obvious it is, the disparity between these two men. Not only should Obama win, he should win by a landslide. The fact that his win will probably be a narrow one only proves how necessary his presidency is. The people of this country need to start using their brains, just a little. What baffles me is the idiocy (or subtle manipulation) of the economists, journalists and "experts" who discuss the debates and policies afterward. How difficult is it to see that our economy is related to our educational system, our wasted war, our insistence in continuing to prop up oil dependency instead of turn away from it, and our desire to keep feeding cheap plastic crap into the void of our existence in hopes that we will someday stumble upon substance? The most insulting thing is when McCain refers to Obama as an "extreme" environmentalist and liberal. Listen up old man McMuffins--I will out-extreme Obama any day of the week, and not even break any laws doing it!
Okay, end of rant. Let's focus on something more peaceful, shall we? How about today's link of the day? Props to Mom and Amber for bringing my attention to "Speaking of Faith", a public radio show that covers a multitude of topics relating to faith, religion and spirituality. Check it out!
I listened to the interview with famed yogini Seane Corn, who is way less of a hypocrite than I had pegged her for. She's actually pretty awesome.


stranger in a strange van said...

holy shit kate! "old man mcmuffins" made me DIE laughing!

Unknown said...

The "Speaking of Faith" episode on autism is particularly interesting, much more than the yoga episode, in my opinion. It is primarily an interview with two Portlanders! Worth checking out even if you think you have no interest in autism. Double props to Lana and Amber! I have successfully avoided episodic television for several months, but now I am addicted to NPR podcasts. The struggle continues!